Change Your Bad “Healthy” Choices to Good Ones, Consumer

Change Your Bad “Healthy” Choices to Good Ones, Consumer

The word “healthy” has gotten a bad rap.

Consumers are a little confused by modern-day marketing.

In a world saturated with every second wellness startup emblazoning the word “healthy” onto their headers and ads, it's essential to slow down and weigh your consumer choices wisely.

From multivitamin pills to scented candles, the market is rife with products promising benefits that will inexplicably change your life!

The promise of good health isn’t a light one to make. We assume there is accountability from the promisers. But—surprise, surprise—when you take a closer look at the fine print and the not-so-fine regulatory powers behind the booming wellness industry, you’ll flinch.

In this article, we explore the pitfalls of the most purchased products and present surprisingly effective, lesser-known alternatives, such as essential oil roll ons!

Dietary Supplements: Is the Benefit Worth the Risk?

When you google “healthy foods,” your social media feed throws out suspiciously relevant ads within minutes.

Do do they look something like this?

  • “Toned muscles are harder to make without protein supplements! Stir. Gulp.”
  • “The lightest nutrient powders to fly your weight loss program high! Drink up!”
  • “Fix your gut health with this all-round smoothie pack of multivitamins and more!”

If you have fallen prey to one or more of these ads, you're not alone. They’re designed to convince you that you're dealing with experts! These dietary and nutraceutical products may not be directly toxic, but factors like dosage, overconsumption, allergies, and medical histories often cause complications that only doctors can ascertain.

If that wasn’t enough, the supplement industry isn’t regulated like the drug industry. Check out some of our findings below.

  • Regulatory lenience: A study from 2017 found out that many nutraceuticals and dietary supplements do not need registration under regulatory bodies like the FDA, and concluded that “like regular drugs, supplements that provide a physiological or pharmacological effect” can also cause harmful effects in certain individuals.
  • Dangers for the Elderly: A 2019 study cautioned for more quality control surrounding food supplements due to the toxicants being dangerous to elderly consumers, even if below regulatory limits.
  • Dangers for Ages 0 to 25: And another 2019 study discussed the dangers of supplements used for muscle-building, weight loss, and increased energy in children, teens, and young adults.

While these studies shouldn’t raise alarm bells on the entire industry, one might need to take stock of the personal risks involved in the choice of purchase.

Supplements are targeted at individuals who have some deficiency or the other. For example, many vegetarians have a vitamin D deficiency, and compensate in the form of tablets. These vitamins are often derived from natural sources and low-reactivity chemicals, which are found in negligible, trace amounts.

The adverse reactions arise when these ingredients are of poor, untested quality; they also arise if you have allergies, or there are bad interactions between food-supplement and medication-supplements.

Cosmetic Products: A Delicate Balance is Required

You’ve seen it a thousand times.

  • “Get that healthy glow.”
  • “Your fastest way to healthy-looking skin.”

But good skin is largely a combination of genetics, lifestyle, dietary habits, and, when needed, personal dermatological care. If you eat responsibly and follow the advice of your dermatologist, you will have good skin on most days of the week.

Yes, if you do your research, you can find trustworthy cosmetics in order to look good for the monthly family function. But they only enhance the effect of the good habits you keep. And while there are several good cosmetic products on the market today, recommended by medical experts and doctors, a large part of the industry is still unexplored.

There are two main issues, and they concern sellers and consumers:

  • Seller-related negligence: Some sellers can be lax about ingredient toxicity. A 2020 study highlighted the effects of heavy metals in a sample of cosmetic products across several product categories, and concluded that the lifetime cancer risk is “higher than the permissible limit in all products except lipsticks.”
  • Consumer-related negligence: The greater problem in this space is negligent research on the part of the consumer, whose type of skin and allergies can have adverse reactions to certain products. Every consumer won’t have the same reaction! A 2020 study found that, while cosmetic products are largely advantageous in standalone usage, mixing and switching cosmetic products frequently can cause adverse reactions.

So, while trending cosmetic products are thoroughly tested, stay wary of brands that showcase red flags like less label information, few certifications, and suspicious ingredients. Whenever we want to save money on cosmetics, we tend to be more careless on this front!

Scented Candles: A Flagrant, Fragrant Risk

Scented candles can own a scene. They create a peaceful, sweet-smelling refuge in the middle of oppressive urbanity. But they often may conceal hidden public health risks.

Alarming research from 1999 suggests that scented candles could release known carcinogens, as well as create respiratory, neurological, and behavioural deficits. In fact, a study from 2015 concluded that even unlit candles can emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Finally, a recent government-led study from January 2023 concluded that scented candles caused respiratory issues in young female students from a number of universities in Saudi Arabia.

While the risks may seem insignificant right now, the cumulative effects of exposure over time are concerning, especially in closed, indoor environments with little natural ventilation. So, it is advisable not to risk your respiratory health just for stress relief. Respiratory health is far more important in the long term for a person’s quality of life. Instead, consumers would be well-served following up on a better alternative for stress relief.

Stress relief oil!

Have You Ever Thought About Aromatic Essential Oil Roll-Ons?

Amidst all these uncertainties, aromatic essential oil roll-ons emerge as a surprisingly effective alternative.

They are extracted from large quantities of plant matter, using natural steaming methods, with little to no interference from chemicals and ingredients! The result is a toxin-free solution for those seeking a healthier lifestyle, adjacent to ayurvedic herbal remedies.

The best part is that there is a long, long list of essential oils to choose from!

Check it out!

  • Peppermint oil: This oil is derived from the hybrid herb Mentha piperita, contains menthol, which has a cooling effect on the head. Research show that topical treatment of this oil can alleviate tension-type headaches.
  • Ylang-ylang oil: Certain patients have reported better sleep after consuming ylang-ylang oil, which is made from the Cananga odorata plant. A variety of components, including banana, wood, and beautiful yellow flowers, make up the scent.
  • Basil oil: The well-known culinary herb of the same name, Ocimum basilicum, is the source of basil oil, which contains anti-inflammatory qualities that have been demonstrated to lessen migraine frequency and intensity.
  • Lavender oil: Lavender essential oil for sleep is a nice thought. Lavandula angustifolia, another name for it, is a plant that increases blood melatonin levels in adults, hence promoting restful sleep. It covers the wearer in a calming, herbal scent with licorice undertones.
  • Clary sage oil: This can be used on a period pain roll on. Clary sage oil is made from the herb and has a light scent with undertones of musky notes. Clary sage oil has been discovered to help treat primary dysmenorrhea—or period pain in the abdomen. This is done by effleurage massage, which involves a circular stroking movement made with the palm of the hand lubricated with clary sage oil.
  • Eucalyptus oil: Eucalyptol, found in eucalyptus oil, lowers migraine-related inflammation. It has been demonstrated to improve cognitive function and alleviate muscle tension in the pathophysiology of headaches. Because it opens up nasal pathways, it is particularly helpful in treating headaches brought on by colds.
  • Rose oil: Rose oil is a viable treatment for insomnia because it has been shown to improve the quality of adult sleep, especially when it comes to rose oil produced from Rosa damascene. The scent of the damask rose oil is delicate with faint tannic undertones.
  • Chamomile oil: There are undertones of herbs and spices in the aroma of chamomile oil. According to tests, this essential oil's chamazulene and α-bisabolol can help with PMS and reduce inflammation.
  • Rosemary oil: Rosemary oil has a flavor that is minty, crisp, and slightly camphorous. Its perfume soothes even the most harried workaholics, but its ethanol extract is most renowned for helping dysmenorrhea sufferers feel less discomfort and inflammation.

Imagine the potential to promote physical and mental well-being!

Unlike supplements, essential oils are not ingested, mitigating the risk of unintended side effects. Moreover, these oils are derived from natural sources, free from harmful substances that may be present in other health and wellness products.

Make the Switch to Science-Backed Alternatives

In a world where marketing claims can be misleading, making informed choices about our health is paramount, and a lifestyle switch to aromatic essential oil roll-ons offers a tangible and science-backed alternative.

As you embark on your wellness journey, consider the choices you make and the products you bring into your life. Steer clear of the pitfalls associated with untested supplements and scented candles. Prioritize your well-being with a choice that aligns with nature and science!


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